The Moon Saga

Blood Moon
Silver Moon
Clear Moon
Broken Moon
Black Moon
White Moon
Golden Moon
Dark Side of the Moon
Desert Moon
Contact Me


Hello! I am Dakota Cox, author of the vampire romance series, The Moon Saga. There are currently two of the seven books out for the saga: Blood Moon and Silver Moon. There is more information on them in the books' information tab.

About the author/me:
I am 18-years-old and currently enrolled in college at Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana - Bloomington. This is my first year of college, and I'm finding it a lot more enjoyable than high school. My major is secondary eduation with a focus in conversational English. I live at home with my parents and little sister - a freshman in high school - as I go to Ivy Tech. I am a Wiccan, which shows through in my work, and I am also bisexual, which is also shown - as has been pointed out to me - by the super open-mindedness that takes place throughout the saga. I enjoy reading and, of course, writing, and I hope to one day move to Japan where I can harness what I am learning in college as a teacher.

Updates on The Moon Saga:

Sept 15, 2010 - Blood Moon and Silver Moon have been up for sale for a while now. I plan to release book 3, Clear Moon shortly.

Shining Moon (My Storefront)

Yeah, it's a little blurry, but that's a picture of me from graduation

Dakota Cox. Copyright (c) 2010